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And Heres how to Join them!

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For ages, the servers for the Motorstorm series were long dead, but not anymore! Thanks to multiple  dedicated individuals across multiple servers, we have regained online compability for both Motorstorm: Monument Valley and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift!

The remaining games; Motorstorm: Apocalypse and Motorstorm: Arctic Edge are being worked on.

(although there is a workaround for Arctic Edge)

Is it Complicated?

To connect to the servers and play with fellow Lunatics, the process is fairly simple. You are NOT required to Jailbreak your console or do anything funky like that (luckily).  There is however something you must keep in mind: Different DNS connections!

There are currently  2 (previously 3) Servers hosting Motorstorm games online, all with different statuses of stability and  games under their belt, both motorstorm related and not. The list from most to least Compatible with Motorstorm specifically are listed under, with pros and cons. It is heavily advised that you join the servers you are looking into, as you can easily check who's online, and alternatively get more people to join your session. Keep in mind that cross-play between the servers is not possible.  Click the respective logos to join the Servers!


How do i get online?

To join online servers and play MSMV and MSPR,

simply do  the following:

- Go to Network Settings

- In the sub-menu, choose "Internet Connection Settings"

- Select "Custom" when prompted with setup choice

- Choose wether you'd use Wired or Wireless setup

- Select "Automatic" when prompted with IP-address choice

- Select "Do Not Set" when prompted with DHCP host name

- Select "Manual" when prompted with DNS setup

- Under DNS setup, insert the Primary DNS of the server of your choice

- Under Secondary DNS, insert either 1 . 1 . 1 . 1  or  8 . 8 . 8 . 8

- Select  "Automatic" when prompted with MTU setup

- Select "Do Not Use" when prompted with Proxy server setup

- Select "Enable" when prompted with UPnP

- Connect and boot up MotorStorm! 

What about Arctic Edge?

Arctic Edge for PSP uses a different system thru the PPSSPP Emulator. For a full setup guide, plus online save reqired to make it work, Please Click here to be redirected.

For any further questions, or need for support, join The MotorStorm Club Discord server! we have connections to all servers and sites dedicated to MotorStorm! Join Today!


The MotorStorm Club Project is an unofficial recreation of The original site from 2009, made by and for fans to enjoy once again. All rights are owned by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

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